A Muslim is someone from whom other Muslims are safe, both from their actions and their words. A believer is someone from whom the property and lives of others are safe.

- Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).

Rules and Regulations

Dropping Off and Picking Up Children

All parents are required to drop their children at the pick up point in the car park in the morning and wait for them in the car park in the afternoon. Parents must not go to the classrooms to fetch their children at any time. If parents need to take their children away during the school time, they must inform the office staff in advance. The office staff will get the children to the office and the parents will take them away from there.

Visitors to the School

All visitors to the school are requested to call in at the main office first. Parents who wish to see the principal or other teachers are also requested to seek appointment prior to coming to the school.

Personal Messages

Personal messages will not be accepted and delivered to the students unless they come from parents and are very important. Personal phone calls will not be accepted except in extreme circumstances.

Change of Address

Any change in parents' addresses or phone numbers should be reported to the school. This information is necessary to maintain up-to-date school records.

Phone Calls

Students are not permitted to accept phone calls at school. They will not be allowed to make calls using the school phone, or receive phone messages except in emergency cases.

Lost Property

All personal property including bags, lunch boxes, hats, jumpers, etc. should be marked with the child's name. This will make identification of the owners of lost property easier.


The only jewellery permitted for both girls and boys is a watch. Girls who have pierced ears may wear a pair of plain studs or sleepers. Earrings are only worn in the first hole. Plastic retainers are not permitted.
Boys are not permitted to wear earrings.


Make-up and nail polish are not permitted and are not to be worn to school. Tinted sunscreen is not permitted.

Haircut (Boys)

All boys are required to have tidy and short haircuts. Boys are not allowed to have fancy haircuts such as "undercuts" and "wedges". Parents must tell the hairdresser that he/she must cut their son's hair in the ordinary school hairstyle. Boys will be asked to undergo another haircut if they report to school with any fancy haircuts. Colouring of hair is strictly not permitted.


Students must wear a school hat or cap for all outdoor activities. These are available through the Uniform Shop and are compulsory for HPE and Sport. The "No hat no play" rule will be strictly enforced in the school.


Plain black leather lace school shoes with a distinct heel (not joggers), are to be worn with the school uniform. Shoes for HPE/Sport may be any pair of perfectly plain black sandshoes/joggers. Shoes must be clean at all times.

Note : The school uniform is worn to and from school each day. The exception is that secondary students may wear their sports uniform home on the day they have sports.

Years 1 to 7 students may wear sports uniform to and from school on their sport days.

Prohibited Items

Students are not allowed to bring any of the following items to school :

* Mobile phones
* Alcohol and Drugs of any kind
* Chewing gum, bubble gum
* Adult Magazines or books
* Steel rulers
* Yo Yos
* Cigarette, lighters, matches, tobacco
* Aerosol cans
* Felt pens
* Large sums of money
* Walkman style devices
* Playing cards
* Weapons (objects that would harm another person)

Sick Students

Sick students must report to the general office. They will be put in the sick bay and parents will be contacted.

Late Students

Late arrival at school should be avoided at all times. Students who arrive late must report to the general office where they will be issued with a late slip to be taken to the class teacher or teacher teaching the class at the time. Students who come late persistently will either receive a detention or may be asked to refrain from playing during play times.

Absent Students

Regular, punctual attendance is required to ensure good progress in school work. If a child cannot attend school due to illness, parents must inform the school about it between 8:00am and 8:15am so that teachers can informed. The parents must also inform the school in writing about the child's absence when the child returns to school by one of the following methods :

* an entry in the child's diary, signed and dated by a parent.
* a separate note/letter of explanation from a parent.

Leave of absence for any other reason must be approved by the Principal. A letter must be presented to the Principal requesting such permission at least one week before the leave is required.

Long Leave of Absence

The school does not take the responsibility to provide prepared work for a child who takes leave of absence from school. If a child goes on leave for four weeks or more he/she will be required to sit a test to determine what class he/she will go into on returning to the school..

Permission to Leave School

No child will be permitted to leave school during school hours unless prior arrangement has been made by a parent or a guardian by contacting the school in person or by phone. When permission is granted a parent or guardian has to pick up the child from the office at the appointed time.